Sunday, July 21, 2013

   When I went to my aunt's house, it was Dinner time. They are planning what to eat, because they have visitors. And when they decided what will going to be our dinner, my aunt went to 'kanto' to buy some food. When she went home, she bought 'lutong ulam' that was Dinuguan and Leeg ng Manok. I was shocked when I saw it, because it's new in my eyes that a Dinuguan and a Leeg ng Manok will combine. I asked my auntie who was the creator of combining the two, but she just told me to taste it first before saying anything. I taste it to know what it taste, and I was amazed! It was very good combination, so I was keep on laughing and laughing. I continue eating with a smile on my face, a very big smile.
   Every time I visit my aunt's house, I always ask Dinuguan and Leeg ng Manok for Dinner or Lunch. Until now, I keep on requesting it but my auntie was complaining already because she was tired of always eating that. It's very cheap, the Dinuguan costs 15 php per order and the Leeg ng Manok was 10 php per piece. It's very affordable right? You must try it too, and share to us also what was your experience eating it...

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